Monday, October 14, 2024


 It's one of our favorite events of the week---- MONDAY NIGHT DINNER! 

with Zion Lily and Makenna (who have been friends since college).... Sikose met Zion Lily at UW in grad school and Makenna was one of my interns at SPU.... such fun to bring this group together!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekend Wrap Up


bright and early breakfast on Friday with Evans who was in town this weekend for a wedding

Friday morning walk with Brooke and Libby 

Friday afternoon walk through campus with Tamara 

Down in CA, a glimpse of a fun Friday night dinner 
that Taylor and Lucian got to have with Janie and Abba

Saturday morning walk to Cranberry Lake with Sikose, Gene, and Bette

Saturday view from Mount Erie 

Saturday night sunset at WA Park in Anacortes 

WA Park on Saturday 

iconic tree at WA Park on Saturday evening 

Sunday morning cold plunge- before photo above 

Sunday morning cold plunge- after shot 

Union fall lunch on Sunday 
Sikose, Emily, Ruthanne, Jason, Tina, David, Jackie, Connie, Jim and Dick 

Sikose, Emily, Willow, and Ruthanne 

small group visit to see Hannah at her ice cream shop where she works in Woodinville 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

One Parish One Prisoner

Our church has been a part of a wonderful ministry called One Parish One Prisoner for the last few years. 

Their mission is as follows: 


I joined the third team at Union to come alongside someone, and we were assigned to a wonderful woman named Jessica. We have been writing her letters and texts through an app the prison system has set up, and last Sunday, Renee Sundberg and I got to go to Gig Harbor to the Women's Correctional Facility to meet Jessica. 

And what a gift it was to spend a few hours together. The conversation ranged across the board from lighthearted to more serious topics, but overall, it was just a sweet time of connection. Perhaps my favorite story was when she told us about a time she was getting into organic food for her kids and she got a live turkey that her family was going to have for Thanksgiving dinner. One thing led to another, and this turkey (whom they named Turk Turk) found its way into all of their hearts and became their favorite pet they've ever had. Needless to say, Turk Turk never was put on the table for Thanksgiving dinner. 

They took pictures for us and gave all of us prints before we left (as we are not allowed to have phones in the place or bring anything into the room). The picture they took of us is below.  

I am so grateful for this chance to grow alongside Jessica in the coming year and beyond. She is such a gem of a human.... 


“Practice resurrection.”

-Wendell Berry

We serve those at the bottom of the American system: prisoners, gang members, those most feared, locked away in solitary confinement, and deemed dead to society. 

We build relationships, incarnating the kind of love we see in Jesus, friend of sinners and outcasts, who wept over Lazarus in the tomb before he raised him from the dead.

We are inspired by how Jesus not only spoke life into the underground, but then called a larger community closer—to help roll away the massive stone barrier between the living and the dead. So the beloved could join the land of the living.

And so we build relationships with employers, churches, lawyers, families, correctional facilities and neighbors. Why? So we can, together, creatively move through prison walls, roll away prisoner debt, and open new opportunities.

As we open these new relationships of embrace and trust, the change is mutual. Formerly incarcerated men and women are learning a new way, for sure. But so are business owners, churches, parents, and landlords. These new relationships turn us ("on the outs") into the kinds of people, and communities, God has called us to be. As we both risk shedding our defenses—mainstream and underground alike—we discover our purpose together, the life of the world to come.

Friday, October 11, 2024

A Little Piece of Heaven


On Wednesday morning, I picked up Liz for a quick trip to pick some dahlias at the lovely Dahlia House that a friend told me about recently. A little piece of heaven indeed.... 






Thursday, October 10, 2024

Throwback Thursday 10.10


October 10, 2003 

October 10, 2004

October 10, 2005

October 10, 2006

October 10, 2006

October 10, 2007

October 10, 2007

October 10, 2008

October 10, 2008

October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

at Britta's wedding (Abby with Anna and Taylor) 
October 10, 2010

October 10, 2010

easy anniversary to remember 10-10-10 

October 10, 2011 

October 10, 2013

October 10, 2014 

October 10, 2015

October 10, 2017 

October 10, 2018 

October 10, 2019 

October 10, 2020 

October 10, 2021