Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January Twenty-Eighteen

January Twenty-Eighteen
This is one of my favorite times of the year because I get to take up a new calendar and mark it up. The slate is filling up already. Meetings set and travel scheduled, work days inked in and some weekend plans made, holidays and holy days marked. Some of what is in the list is work, some of it offering, some of it sacrifice. Some of it I anticipate, some of it I dread. All of it makes up my offering — an offering of life and labor, as the old prayer book calls such things.  May your lists be blessed, and helped and strengthened by the Holy One.
–Robert Benson

May we faithfully persevere through all the trials ahead this year and may we rejoice in joy and in suffering knowing we are in the midst of a great story that God will bring to fruition.
-from Annie Lillard's Christmas letter 

Yet for most at least, there is an acknowledgement of a new year, despite its artifice… it is, after all, just the creation of another number. We take the opportunity to bid good riddance to a year that was grimly tragic or to regret with melancholy the end of one full of promise. A few make resolutions they will actually keep, or use the opportunity to take stock and at least dream about changes. Somehow we believe that a new year can wipe out the past, despite the fact we carry all we have been and done into the new year, in memory if not in repercussions. Perhaps this longing points to a deeper desire….to really clean the slate and find a new start. To be free from the shackles of guilt, the tentacles of disappointment in ourselves which drag us drowning in a morass of self-despair as we fail again to live up to our expectations of ourselves, or the (often falsely assumed) expectations of others.
A longing, in fact, for exactly what God offers. Fresh start. No conditions. Not just one day, but 365. Good news, whatever the date  -Jeannie Kendall 

The season of Epiphany extends from January 6 until Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent.  My friend Robert Benson wrote this:   
"Now the season of looking for Him everywhere is upon us — the season of Epiphany is what they call it.  Heads up. Keep your eyes and ears and hands open. He is everywhere, and He moves in pretty surprising ways. You do not want to miss Him." 

As we observe Epiphany, we celebrate the journey to the manger and the showing forth of God in unexpected places. - Transforming Center 

“ Oh, Aslan,” said Lucy. “Will you tell us how to get into your country from our world?” “I shall be telling you all the time,” said Aslan. “But I will not tell you how long or short the way will be; only that it lies across a river. But do not fear that, for I am the great Bridge Builder.” –Voyage of the Dawn Treader 

Why is it so hard to believe that God intends our children to train us just as much as he intends us to train and guide our children? Why is it so inconceivable that God would design a child to be the best qualified human to thwart and shatter a parent’s arrogance and self-righteousness? And why don’t we put this responsibility to learn on par with the parent’s responsibility to rightly shape the hearts and minds of a child? –Dan Allender

Lord, let us walk into this day, Your light before us,
Your shield behind us, Your friends beside us.
Lord, let us walk into this week, Your life before us,
Your strength behind us, Your love around us.....
Lord, let us walk from this place, Your wisdom before us,
Your truth behind us, Your breath within us.
Lord, let us walk into the world, Gratitude in our hearts,
Thanksgiving on our lips, Joy in our spirits.
Lord, let us walk into your loving presence, In the name of the One who loves us,
In the name of the One who cares, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

first taste of spring

Yay for the first signs of spring!!

The weatherman was wrong today and we had some sunshine! 
(along with some crazy hail earlier too, but we'll take any sun we can get!!) 

Monday, January 29, 2018

no rain no flowers

sure love this picture Anna took on the way to school the other day.... 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

fun in the kitchen

Thankful for lots of in the kitchen this weekend--- from Saturday morning cinnamon roll waffles made by Taylor to a neighborhood dinner party Saturday night to baking time with Micah Sunday afternoon... 

Annie, Em, Kristi, Jaime and Brooke 

s'more brownie cupcakes :) 

cinnamon roll waffles whipped up by Taylor 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

child labor

I love seeing Anna and Taylor as babysitters as they do such a great job playing the role of the fun big brother or big sister... 
Taylor with Charlie Murray on Thursday night 

Anna with Leah Watt on Friday night 

Friday, January 26, 2018

What do you say?

Parents, WITHOUT prompting, ask your kids these questions and write EXACTLY what they say. Some of these responses cracked me up. 

At different times (so they would not sway each other's answers), I asked the following questions to Taylor, age 12 and Anna, age 15.
(I think this would have been funnier 5-10 years ago, but this is still fun.)

What is something I say alot? 

Taylor's response: "May the peace of Christ go with you, wherever He may send you." (the blessing you say to us every morning when we go to school.) 
Anna's response: "You're the best bunny in the world!" (your daily affirmation to Poppy when you pet her.) 

How tall am I? 

Taylor's response: 5'9"
Anna's response: 5' 9" 

What is my favorite thing to do? 

Taylor's response:  "to be with us."  :) 
Anna's response: "reading..... and celebrating." 

What do I do when you're not here?  

Taylor's response: "work"
Anna's response: "work, read, tell Poppy she's awesome"

If I became famous, what would it be for? 

Taylor's response: "blogging...... and having the most cheesy sayings" 
Anna's response: "for the book you are writing on celebrations from your Celebrate Today blog." 

What makes you proud of me? 

Taylor's response: "you make good food and you're a good mom." 
Anna's response: "your work with Children of the Kingdom" 

What's my favorite place to eat? 

Taylor's response: "Plum- that vegan restaurant" 
Anna's response: "Plum Bistro" 

Where is my favorite place? 

Taylor's response: "Seattle" 
Anna's response: "The Methow Valley" 

What do I do to annoy you? 

Taylor's response: "when you tell me to do a lot of things at once." 
Anna's response: "when you ask me a ton of questions." 

Who is my celebrity crush? 

Taylor's response: "This is weird- I have no idea." 
Anna's response: "Ryan Gosling" 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Calling Home

Kelly Corrigan made me cry when she wrote this in her book The Middle Place:  
"About twenty years later (after some wild times in high school), I called my parents from the maternity ward and cried through the following, "Mom, Dad, it's a girl, and Dad, we named her after you. We named her Georgia. " Three years after that, almost to the day, I called home to tell my parents that I had cancer.  And that's what this whole thing is about. Calling home.  Instinctively.  Even when all the paperwork- a marriage license, a notarized deed, two birth certificates, and seven years of tax returns-- clearly indicates you're an adult, but all the same, there you are, clutching the phone and thanking God that you're still somebody's daughter." 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I am my response

blurry selfie for my dinner date with Taylor to celebrate the 23rd yesterday 

"I am my response to my child’s mismatched outfit and the crumpled report card at the bottom of her backpack.
I am my response to my spouse who returned from the store without toilet paper but remembered the tailgate snacks. 
I am my response to my anxious parent who repeats the same worries and insists on giving me coupons I do not need. 
I am my response to my co-worker with sad eyes and frequent absences. 
I am my response to my 15-minutes-late hairdresser with a sick child. 
I am my response to my neighbor with heart-heavy problems and little family support. 
I am my response to the irate driver who cut me off and made an obscene gesture in front of my children. 
I am my response to the waitress who got my order wrong. 
I am my response to myself when I forgot the one thing I most needed to do today. 
I am my response to spilled coffee, rain-soaked shoes, and middle-of-the-night throw ups. 
My responses are not perfect … they are not always ideal … I am human after all. 
But if I strive to offer responses underlined with  
and care,
That is something. 
That is something. 

Because my responses are more than just words. 
They represent 
who I am, 
who I want to be, 
and how I will someday be remembered.

Today I will not respond perfectly. I know. 
But if strive to communicate with hints of kindness and traces of love, 
That will be something 
That will be something
That could mean more than words." 

- Rachel Macy Stafford 2014

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

hand me down

Such fun to receive this care package in the mail with a hand-me-down dress from Gingie-  
It really is fun being a girl and getting hand-me-downs for dressing up! 

Monday, January 22, 2018

oh happy day

a few other pictures from the weekend.... :) 
Green Lake with Nancy 

Anna is much taller than Kelly! 

Hannah arranging over a hundred brownies we brought for dinner at Tent City on Saturday night 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Women's March 2.0- 2018

So grateful for the march in Seattle yesterday 
and the chance to get to check out the Women's March 2.0 up close. 

 Loved my history lesson from an amazing Seattle artist who helped to create these fabulous larger than life puppets of 10 strong women from all around the world: 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

table talk

Before dinner, we took a few minutes with our good friends Arie and Evan 
to name something we were grateful for.... 
One on my list was definitely times around this table.  

Friday, January 19, 2018

Planting trees and hope

Jason joined a group of volunteers to plant some trees and other plants on MLK Day in Ravenna Park.  I sure love Jason's green roots. :)