Monday, September 30, 2019

September Twenty-Nineteen

September Twenty-Nineteen
"Grace is a muscle that gives strength and vigor to our faith. Grace must be exercised. It’s not enough to hear the theology of grace dissected in a sermon. It’s not enough to sing about it. Grace must be exercised if we are to stay alive in Christ. To live in grace is to be committed to the work of remembering that we are God’s beloved children. Moreover, the exercise of grace is the work of continually reminding ourselves that every person around us is also dearly beloved." -  Breanna Randall

"Henri Nouwen calls hospitality 'the creation of a free and friendly space where we can reach out to strangers and invite them to become our friend.' He goes on to suggest that the most important guests, the most important strangers we get to entertain in our homes are our children.  When they are born, we don’t really understand who they are or who they will become.  They are guests we need to respond to, not possessions we are responsible for."
-Christine Sine The Gift of Wonder 

"Stay close to the cracks, to the broken places where people weep and cry out in pain.
Stay close to the cracks, where God’s tears fall and God’s wounds bleed for love of us.
Stay close to the cracks, where light shines in and grass pushes up through concrete.
Stay close to the cracks where weeping wounds open unexpected doorways to healing and wholeness and life."
-Christine Sine The Gift of Wonder 

"I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude." -Brene Brown 

"You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things." 
-Mother Teresa.

"My angry words spilled out. I spoke too soon. Morning got the best of me.
But I didn’t let guilt consume me like I used to.
I said I was sorry and asked to begin again.
That’s progress.
I am closer than I was before.
My inner perfectionist reared its ugly head. I compared. I criticized. I told myself it wasn’t good enough.
But then my heart spoke up and said, “Stop. That’s not what matters.”
I looked past the mess and the mayhem and saw the flowers instead of the weeds.
That’s progress.
I am closer than I was before.
My day was too packed. I overscheduled. I underloved. I was too rushed, too hurried, too frenzied.
But then I stopped in the middle of the chaos and removed the ticking clock weighing heavy on my soul.
I touched the fading summer freckles on my daughter’s nose and felt the pressure wane.
That’s progress.
I am closer than I was before.
Every second is not grasping what matters, but now I have awareness I didn’t have before.
I am only human.
I am learning too.
Love, forgiveness, and grace will be the fiber that holds this day, this family, this one precious life together when it threatens to come apart at the seams.
That’s progress.
I am closer than I was before."
- Rachel Macy Stafford Only Love Today 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

more weekend cheer

more homecoming pictures because green and gold spirit is such fun! 

While Taylor went to another high school's Lincoln homecoming game on Saturday night, Anna, Jason and I went to explore a fun restaurant called Meet the Moon. 

and the weekend ended with some love from Poppy.... 

snuggle bunny 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

RHS Homecoming

Roosevelt had their homecoming game last night and 
these Seattle kids weathered the rain to show some school spirit! 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Harry Potter Day 2019

Mike and I have hammed it up at SPU before convocation as we are waiting in line to go into the gym for the last four years. See below for 2016-2019 pictures of Professor McGonagall and Harry. 

2016 Harry Potter pictures before Convocation 

2017 Harry Potter pictures before Convocation 

2018 Harry Potter pictures before Convocation 

2019 Harry Potter pictures before Convocation 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pure delight

Even though we have had Poppy for almost 6 years, there are still times that she delights us as if we have just met her.  Below are a few pictures of her on the couch with me last night that were adorable. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September sun

Such a great break from so much rain that we have been having to soak up a few minutes of sunshine after school at Green Lake with Anna on her way to dance class. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

after school treat

Yesterday after school, I took Anna and Taylor to go visit my co-worker Sophia and her new corgi puppy named Winona.  It was the best after school treat!! 

Monday, September 23, 2019

small(er) group

Our "small" group of 18 dwindled down to this smaller group of 6 last night for dinner. Anna, Taylor and Liam were at a soccer game. Seth and Mike were at a baseball practice. The Atkins were out of pocket with Tamara's parents in town, and Bill was on a trip with his mom.  
We'll take what we can get some nights with everyone's busy schedules! 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Morning Joe

Anna and I are a lot alike in many ways, but one way we differ is that this girl enjoys a cup of coffee on occasion to jump start her day.  Last week, I walked her to school part of the way to get her a cup of coffee as a little treat. I'll take the walk and let her have the jet fuel! 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The oceans are rising and so are we

I got this email this morning from one of my favorite teachers that Anna had at Eckstein. 

"I was at the climate strike yesterday and saw Anna there and wanted to share the pictures from the strike with you. 

I was striking today "because young people have asked us to. In a well-ordered society, when kids make a reasonable request their elders should say yes--in this case with real pride and hope that the next generations are standing up for what matters."

I was striking today because science is real. Physics exists. Chemistry matters.

You matter, I tell my students. You matter.

I have always let my students be my teachers. I will not let them down. It matters.

I wanted to say how incredibly proud I am of them.

I teach because I believe in their future, and that they will rise up to change it.

Thank you.

In peace and learning,
With gratitude,

Jessica Levine
National Board Certified Teacher
6th Grade Science
Eckstein Middle School
Seattle Public Schools
Seattle, WA

Ms. Levine, Lindsay and Anna