Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December Twenty-Twenty-Four


"You know what I really love this time of year? The deluge of Christmas cards. I love the photos, the families with kids laughing, the newborns and baby bumps, the grey heads beaming next to their grands, friends with their dog or a selfie from their trip to Edinburgh or Santa Fe. So much life. A few nights ago, as I opened our first stack, I started sobbing. Miska put her hand on my back. It was not sadness, but all the goodness. In the great darkness, beauty and love burns on. I looked at each photo and found myself saying, Drink it in, every ounce, hold the love close.

How is it possible to feel such sorrow and such gratitude all at once? Maybe that’s one of Advent’s threads: being fully attuned to what seems lost or shattered, while also being pierced by brilliant shafts of light." - Winn Collier

Monday, December 30, 2024


a glimpse back to 10 years ago! 

December 30, 2014

December 30, 2014

December 30, 2014

we blinked.... 
and here we are on December 30, 2024 jumping into Cranberry Lake
 for a trial run before our New Year's Eve dip tomorrow. 

before picture (above) and after (below) 

Sunday, December 29, 2024


 This popped up in my photos today from four years ago today... 

and here are some photos from 12-29-24

reindeer games 

annual dinner out with these beloved folks 

Saturday, December 28, 2024


a wonderful day to spend time with folks and wind down over this holiday 
a burst of color in front of Nana and Papa's house 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Second Christmas

A Christmas quote that bears repeating.... "Somehow I realized that songs, music, good feelings, beautiful liturgies, nice presents, big dinners and many sweet words do not make Christmas. Christmas is saying 'yes' to something beyond all emotions and feelings. Christmas is saying 'yes' to a hope based on God's initiative, which has nothing to do with what I think or feel. Christmas is believing that the salvation of the world is God's work and not mine. Things will never look just right or feel just right. If they did, someone would be lying... But it is into this broken world that a child is born who is called Son of the Most High, Price of Peace, Savior."
-Henri Nouwen The Road to Daybreak

cousin time with another round of Christmas gifts 

a belated graduation gift 

the reindeer onesie that made its way from Scotland to Anacortes for Christmas 

twinning in our new Christmas vests 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day


no caption needed for the day after Christmas.... 

so grateful to hug this lady's neck this morning for tea 

morning workshop time 

'tis the season, y'all! 

s'fun to be with Gingie! 

the magic of the downtown library in Nashville 

the Ryman! 

Nashville Public Library Children's Section upgrade since the last time we visited 

very quick hug with Mary Price today as she just got into town and as we were about to leave 
