Monday, November 26, 2012


 There are few things more subversive in this world than someone who sees grace in every corner, who chuckles easy and loves easy and has both whimsy and mirth mixed in with even their honest assessments of the way things truly are. These glad-hearted people have discovered that thankfulness is not merely a discipline but the only sane way to live in a world offering so much gritty beauty, so much possibility for love, so many joys.

These unlikely provocateurs have not caved to rose-tinted glasses or withdrawn from bitter reality. They simply know that sorrow does not finally own the day. They do not ignore the pain. Quite the opposite, their heart has grown so large that the life they know possesses the courage to see all that is wrong and yet has strength enough to gather the afflictions into itself, allowing love to tend to the wounds. They know that joy, not misery, holds the ace. And they are so very, very thankful.
“Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth,” say Barth. “Grace evokes gratitude like the voice of an echo. Gratitude follows grace as thunder follows lightning.” – Winn Collier

Oh I love that reflection above.... I want my heart to overflow with thanksgiving like that everyday..... As I end the chapter on this day, I am giving thanks for a great week with my parents here and for the richness of family and friends... 

how is it possible that all these girls are mamas? Tracey and I were Bible Study leaders to them when they were juniors in high school back in 1995.... :) What fun to see them this weekend... 

the huge gift of having a homework helper this afternoon :) 

(Dad has been amazing this week in restoring furniture for us and helping us put some pieces back together) 

a visit to the "Harry Potter" room at Suzzalo library to show Mom that Hogwarts is indeed here disguised as University of WA... 

bedtime stories are the best 

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