Friday, May 6, 2022

Now that You are (almost) 18


Liam turns 18 tomorrow, but I'll be out of pocket tomorrow morning so decided to surprise him this morning on his birthday eve with decorations and gifts. :) 

How is it possible that it's been 18 years?! 

This package had a bunch of little gifts in envelopes going along with these notes: 

Now that you are 18 you can join the military. I am going to suggest that you continue with your college plans instead. (I put an army man in the envelope.) 

Now that you are 18 you can register to vote! It is YOUR right. (I put a voting application in the envelope) 

Now that you are 18 you can open a bank account. We started you off with $18 to celebrate 18 years! 

Now that you are 18 you are LEGALLY responsible for yourself. As in, you can go to jail. Be sure you take this responsibility seriously. Here is a pen to sign all your “legal” documents. 

Now that you are 18 you can buy Fireworks! (I put some sparklers in the envelope)

Now that you are 18 you can go Sky Diving or go in a Hot Air Balloon on your own!  (I included a balloon in the envelope). 

Now that you are 18 you can go to concerts and festivals. (Keep your hearing intact!) (I included some earplugs in the envelope)

Now that you are 18 you can get married BUT let’s hold off on that for at least 5 years 😊 (I included two Hershey's kisses in the envelope)

Now that you are 18 you are an “adult” but don’t forget to have fun and dance like nobody is watching. (I included some Jolly Ranchers and other candy in the envelope)

the gold letters made a trip to Liam's backyard! 

from the Sunflower relay last weekend 

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