Friday, June 7, 2013

throwing your arms around a moment

 "Who knows how the awareness of God’s love first hits people? Every person has his own tale to tell, including the person who would not believe in God if you paid him. Some moment happens in your life that makes you say Yes right up to the roots of your hair, that makes it worth having been born just to have happen. Laughing with somebody till tears run down your cheeks. Waking up to the first snow. Being with somebody you love. Whether you thank God for such a moment or thank your lucky stars, it is a moment that is trying to open up your whole life. If you try to turn your back on such a moment and hurry along to Business as Usual, it may lose you the whole ball game. If you throw your arms around such a moment and hug it like crazy, it may save your soul." 
–Frederick Buechner 

Thankful for such moments today 
in watching the creativity of choreography of unicycles and dancers... 

Unicycle Magic 

Unicycle Magic #2 

Pretty in Pink 
(Anna is the shortest ballerina in the second row) 

One of the sweet things I overheard one of the dance teachers say to Anna's dance teacher was that she asked who the girl was on stage who was smiling the whole time. :) It was Anna. I was amazed to see how she was so poised and seemed to be so full of joy while she was dancing. (I have a hard time being relaxed and dancing as it takes me so much coordination to keep in step. My mom is the queen of Zumba and loves it, and Anna's ballet and modern are beautiful to watch.  These two have great rhythm...I guess that it may have skipped a generation with me!) 

Modern Girls 
(Anna is front center dancer) 

happy 7th to Liam! 
(doughnuts for breakfast..) 

unicycle performers in the assembly today 

beautiful dancers in the dress rehearsal 

 Anna- in the front and to the left...

stairstep dancers... 
Anna, Ms. Mary (her teacher), and our sweet friend Hilary Brown (who is in town this weekend and came to see Anna's rehearsal as she danced with Dance Fremont for many years too.) 

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