Sunday, September 13, 2020

Trophy Worthy

Over the summer, we have shared with people how amazing Anna's experience was with Dance Fremont over the spring when they moved everything online.  When everything shut down, she had her same dance schedule but she was dancing pointe, ballet and modern in our hallway rather than in the studio.  I loved hearing her classes in the background as I was up in the office doing work or in the kitchen making dinner, and I was amazed at the rigor and excellence of the teaching and learning in this virtual learning environment. Her teachers were able to give targeted feedback, and they showed their ingenuity and creativity in these classes and in the online spring recital.  I've always thought that teachers in general have to be good at improvisation to be able to think on their feet in classes, but the last 6 months have pushed these teachers to be even more flexible and innovative than ever before. 

We shared about this with friends and family over the summer as the move to online learning with her dance studio was practically seamless (and way better than her high school was able to do in the spring for sure), and at one point, I made the comment that Anna's dance teachers really deserve a trophy.  And then, Anna and I decided that we should actually just order some trophies for real and deliver them before school started. 

So, over the last few weeks, we have made some deliveries of ballet slipper shaped trophies (who knew they even made such a thing!) to four of her teachers. We loved getting to celebrate them and letting them know how awesome they are with this small token of our big appreciation! 

Karena (director of the studio at Dance Fremont) 

Charlotte and Nathan 



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