Friday, October 4, 2024

A Beautiful Experience

As I've mentioned, Ratnakar used the words "so beautiful" countless times to try to describe all that he was taking in over this past week. He also said a number of times that so many of these things were an "experience of a lifetime." He had such a full heart of gratitude with all the people we saw and the places we went, and he was also seeking God about what he was supposed to learn and take away from all of this.  What a rich time it has been together! (But, needless to say, I think I am going to sleep well tonight. :) 

He finally saw some of the rain Seattle is known for this morning. 

Friday morning walk in the rain 

early Friday morning Zoom neighborhood group that Ratnakar got to attend 
(We are reading through Brian McLaren's book We Make the Road by Walking) 

I had a meeting at SPU before we had to go to the airport, so we took the scenic route by the dinosaur in Fremont on the way. 

I sent him home with some Theos chocolate bars to take to folks,
 and it was fun to show him were these were made in Fremont! 

Before we headed to the airport this afternoon, I took him to the labyrinth at St. Mark's to pray with and for him for his next adventure as he is off to South Dakota for a leadership conference for the next 3 weeks before he returns to India the first week of November. 

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