Sunday, March 2, 2025

Neighborhood Retreat

Our wonderful neighbor Skip Li had a vision to create an experience here in Seattle as a follow up to our October 2022 trip to Montgomery when we visited the Legacy Museum and the Memorial for Peace and Justice. For two days this weekend, we visited four incredible organizations and we got to hear stories from some of Skip's friends who are doing amazing work in their efforts to bring more peace and justice to this city.  The ministries we were introduced to all work to bring dignity, belonging, and flourishing to the people they are called to serve, and it was exciting getting to be with neighbors to imagine more of what God's invitation is for us in response to these stories individually and collectively. What a gift this time was together! 

Thursday night gathering 

Friday morning at DADS- Divine Alternatives for Dads Services 
with Marvin and Jeanett Charles 

signing the wall at DADS

Friday afternoon at the Matt Talbott Center with Gregg Alex 

Friday night debrief dinner 

morning run with Sarah, Danny, and Whitney 
(with Mt. Rainier peeking behind us) 

Saturday morning at Urban Impact with 
Harvey Drake, Steve Bury, Eunice Lin-Sawyer, 
Alicia Haskins, and Yolanda Barton 

Saturday afternoon at the Seattle School of Theology with Dereck McNeil and Dwight Friesen 

Saturday night debrief dinner 

with Brooke and Liz 

an image I made that was inspired by conversations this past fall with neighbors as some of us are reading Brian McLaren's book together called We Make the Road by Walking 

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