Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Wishing Tree

A few months ago, I ran across this book and saw a place mentioned in Capitol Hill called the Wishing Tree. It had been my intention to go with Anna before she went back to school, but time got away from us, so I thought my birthday weekend would be the perfect time to track it down. 

The Wishing Tree is a 100 year old cypress near Interlaken Park on Galer Street in front of a beautiful old house. Pens and cards are supplied for anyone who wants to stop to make a wish there, and then these are laminated and tied to the tree. I brought my Sunday morning running group today, and then Jason and I also stopped by after church so I could share the magic with him. 

"Welcome to the Wishing Tree: Please make a wish and place it in the golden jar. Over the next few days, your wish will be on the tree! Words of gratitude are also welcomed. Our intentions and prayers can create great kindness and beauty. 
P.S. Something magical happens when we all wish in one place."

birthday morning run

some beautiful wishes already tied on the tree 

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