Thursday, April 2, 2020

be kind to yourself

Today has been a CRAZY day in responding to emails and being in online meetings so when the sunshine was pouring through my window around 5:45 pm when I was at my desk, I threw open the window and stuck my head out to soak in the sunshine.  So good for my soul. 


a great quote from one of my favorite bloggers: 
"Let me get a little motherly here and say that “this, too, shall pass,” but that we will all come out changed on the other side, hopefully stronger, hopefully cherishing each other even more. Don’t try to carry the whole weight of this thing, even in your imagination. (Especially in your imagination.) Don’t be afraid—greater is He that is in us than all the microbes that are in the world. Turn off the news for an evening, or a day; do a puzzle with your people, or listen to an audiobook together. Don’t buy more than you need. Check on your neighbors. Offer to pick up groceries for an older person (and leave them at the door), or gift them with a delivery service (and give the courier a good tip). Keep sharing the funny memes. Plant a garden, write a song, learn to make coq au vin. Let boredom clear the ground of your soul. Translate your disappointment and fear into something tangibly, defiantly beautiful.
And remember to be kind to yourself—these are challenging days, and we’re all dealing with hopes deferred. Remember that kindness is contagious. Remember that you are wildly, irrationally, unconditionally loved. 
And remember that, for once, we all have the chance to live the way our grandmothers told us to all along: wash your hands, cover your mouth. And do unto others as you would have them do unto you."   - Lanier Ivester

Wow- no filters on these photos above. The sun was such a gift when it decided to peek out today! 

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