Friday, March 5, 2021

Cheers to 50 years!

 a tribute for the wonderful birthday boy today..... 

Dear Jason,

I was listening to John and Julie Gottman on Brene Brown’s podcast the other day, and they talked about one key to a healthy relationship is a commitment to maintaining curiosity and building a foundational friendship and appreciation and respect for each other.

The person we were when we were engaged and then when we got married are not the same people that we are today.  And yet, one of the things that I love about being married to you is that we absolutely do have a continued interest and curiosity in one another. I chose you then and I choose you now, and for that I am so very grateful.

We have a lot that has changed over the years- location, careers, family dynamics, houses, etc. But I want you to know that through it all that I feel so loved by you as you support me in my journey of becoming. And I celebrate the person you have been, the person you are, and the person who you are becoming.

I celebrate your contagious laugh that keeps us going around the dinner table, your critical mind that sharpens us all in thinking about the world around us, your insightful questions that help us see things from a different perspective, your eye for style in your wardrobe and our home, your depth of emotions that show how much you value others, your coaching which makes me a better teacher, your investment in our kids that is so evident in how you love them well, your listening ear that helps me to feel seen and heard, your capacity for deep connection, your incredible way with words, your fun-loving spirit that makes that nickname of “Rascal” still hold, your commitment to growth, mindfulness and meditation, your ideas for adventures as we look to the future, your love for our extended family, your resilience and grit, your ability to not get defensive when we talk things out, and the grace you share with all who cross your path. 

So for your 50th birthday, this is a toast to my commitment to continue to be curious about who you are and who you are becoming in the next season together. 

Looking forward to more wonderful life with you (with a spoon full of sugar, of course).

Love you so much,


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