Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Good to the Last Drop

Jason and I are still kind of pinching ourselves that we got to be home base for Taylor and Lucian this past week. This Plan B turned out to be pretty special for all of us. Jason got to spend time with them both on a bike ride on Saturday, I got to tag along with them to show Lucian a few Seattle sights, and it was such fun to serve up some good food to them this past week (as anything gets rave reviews after they have been on the trail for hours upon end). 

They packed up the car this morning (somehow fitting in a queen size mattress, backpacking and rock climbing gear, four bikes, clothes, sheets, and bins of food and other supplies). After our last hug, I walked away with a few tears streaming down my cheek after they pulled out of the driveway but with so many sweet memories from the time we got to have with these two mountain climbers. 

the obligatory visit to the gum wall yesterday 

Pike Place beauty 

a visit to Seattle just would not be complete without a visit to see the Fremont troll 

After so many visits Anna and Taylor have made to the Goodwill bins, I made my maiden voyage yesterday with Lucian and Taylor. And I am not sure I will be able to go back as this place set off my allergies like crazy because of all the dust and piles of stuff.... But it sure was an experience not to be forgotten seeing this phenomenon and finding a few things with them in the treasure hunt. 

squeezing in a haircut at 6:30 am this morning (as it did not quite fit in yesterday!) 

hauling out the mattress we got from neighbors who were giving it away for Taylor to take to school 

the game of Tetris to fit everything in the minivan 

last hugs... 

and they're off....

very kind note from Lucian left on the counter 

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