Sunday, September 1, 2024

Gothic Basin 2024

This Gothic Basin/Foggy Lake hike has been on our list since last summer when Anna and Taylor hiked it together. We sure feel spoiled to have this trailhead just an hour and a half from home and to have such magical spots to explore. 

Friday/Saturday backpack trek to Gothic Basin/Foggy Lake 

a very chill bullfrog at the first waterfall on the way up that another hiker was holding 

giving thanks for the WTA who was making new stairs for some of the steep spots closer to Gothic Basin

Foggy Lake 

Friday evening view from our campsite 
our magical solar powered lights in our tent 

Saturday morning hike to the ridge above Foggy Lake 

and Jason's ascent to Gothic Peak (while I enjoyed the view from the ridge) 

I shared this quote in yesterday's monthly recap, but it bears repeating as the mountains always bring me so much perspective of being dwarfed and in the presence of such majesty.... 

"Yet though the music of the heart may grow faint, there is in each of us an unprotected place that beauty can always reach out and touch. When the mind is festering with trouble or the heart torn, we can find healing among the silence of the mountains or fields, or listen to the simple, steadying rhythm of waves. The slowness and stillness take us over… When serenity is restored, new perspectives open to us and difficulty can begin to seem like an invitation to new growth… the heart of vision is shaped by the state of the soul. When the soul is alive to beauty, we begin to see life in a fresh and vital way…When we beautify our gaze, the grace of hidden beauty becomes our joy and sanctuary."  -  John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace

photos below of when Anna and Taylor did this hike last August 

just a wee bit tired 
(mind you- then just hiked 6 miles with 3000 feet elevation gain to get to the Lake 
and had just run a half marathon the day before) 

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