Saturday, March 30, 2019


Today was just not my day to nail it as a parent.  This morning, I misjudged timing and we got to Taylor's first soccer game for his warm up a bit late. (I told his coach that it was totally my fault and that he could send me to run 4 laps around the track as this was not Taylor's mistake. His coach was very kind, and it did not affect Taylor's playing time in the game. But I still felt bad.) Then this afternoon, for Taylor's second soccer game, we all had the time in our minds that the game was 4:30 so Taylor and I were in the car at 3:40 to get there in plenty of time as I was determined to not make the same mistake twice. In the car, he checked my phone and saw that the calendar actually said 4:00 for the start time.  Needless to say, he was super frustrated, but we got there in one piece.  I walked around the track enough times while watching the game to stop beating myself up, and he played well and felt good about the game overall.  
 But wow-- I nailed it today--  TWICE. 
I read a quote recently from Lisa Jo Baker that I so relate to today: 
"Parenting is Do-Overs Times Infinity." 
Apologies and forgiveness were shared, and Taylor was really gracious on the way home this evening. I told him how grateful I am that we're in this family together and that we can push the reset button and begin again. He gave me a big hug in the kitchen too when we got home.  
So grateful we can have do-overs and that grace abounds. 

1 comment:

  1. ah and perhaps Taylor is at an age where keeping track of start times is on HIS calendar :)?
