Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Twenty- Twenty- Four

a prayer below from the wonderful Kate Bowler..... 
giving thanks for all the flying buttresses who hold us up....

a blessing for friends who hold us up

God, you called me to love
but people are inherently risky.
Telling my story, being known, asking for help,
complaining again about
the thing I worry might sound cliché by now. Shouldn’t I be over it already?

But something is happening when I am known.
I am becoming stronger somehow.

I am reminded of the pillars I’ve seen
holding up cathedrals.
Flying buttresses, engineered to provide support for a fragile wall,
allowing them to be built taller, more stunning, more covered with ornaments
or filled with stained glass,
letting all the colorful light dance in.
The walls would collapse without them there, but strengthened, they create something beautiful.
God, when I am no longer quite so tall and strong, give me those who hold me up
and remind me of who I am and that I’m loved.

Yes, I’ll get back up again today.
Yes, I’ll get those kids cereal
and help my parents with an errand.
Yes, I’ll go to work or come up with something better to do with retirement hours.

I will try again.
I know I will,
because someone else’s absurd faith in me
is fortifying

So, blessed are our flying buttresses.
            when everything seems ready to come apart, allowing us to face today—
not because we’re doing it alone—
but precisely because we aren’t.

After being in India in May and taking time to write down reflections after my daily Lectio readings with some of the kids, I came back and started writing those down after my weekly Lectio group that has been meeting for almost 4 years. I've posted 13 little posts so far on Instagram @lectioreflections if you'd like to follow along.... 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Wedding Bells!


So happy to celebrate Mayra's wedding today!!! 

Gabe (Mayra's youngest son) with the flower girls 

with the SPU fan club: Krystle, Carolina, and Jorge 

Friday, June 28, 2024

While the cat's away...

 While the cats have been away..... 
I've gotten to see a few folks and get started with summer quarter...

with Hannah Langford (above) on the day after she got out of school, with Micah for a baking date making mega cookies (below), and with Nancy Peterson (below) for an evening walk around Green Lake 

While it's been a good week here,
 I'm so ready to have Jason and Taylor back home!! 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gnome Love

 There are a million ways to let someone know you love them.... 
sometimes it's with a gnome.... 

(photos below from my bike commute this evening after work that I sent to Anna....)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Willow Wednesday 6.26


morning greeting yesterday as she was letting me know 
it was past time for her bite of banana

life is good. 

life is very good. 

gorgeous morning light 
(a few photos Jason took at the end of May that got tucked away...) 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sunshine on a Tuesday...

a gorgeous prayer below for this sunny summer day.... 
Almighty and Everlasting God, 
You made the world 
in the whirl of wind
and by your word 
emptiness became        extravagance. 
Hover again over the blank spaces
between        our breaths 
where the pain of being a person 
punches          our chests; 
that we might sense 
this void        is blessed: 
that we might welcome 
the wind     is still 
where you will make 
all things      new. 

pictures from morning run with the sunshine 
shining just so on these gorgeous 
pockets of our neighborhood 

these bright red cherries on 20th stopped me in my tracks
 seeing them glowing in the sunlight this morning! 

Seward Park turtles (pond sliders!) 

morning meeting with Rachael at Seward Park 
(not a bad place for a performance review meeting) 

I made the most of being in the South end and was so happy to get to meet up with Charlene at Seward Park today too

a wonderful catch up with Genny at lunch at Leschi Elementary 
where she's been principal this past year