Thursday, June 6, 2024

Commissioning and Hooding Ceremony

This experience of being in seminary was the ultimate group project.... Cheers to family, friends (all around the world!), colleagues, and professors who made this ongoing journey possible! (This all came about because of a grant at SPU given for faculty to take classes in the School of Theology. What an incredible gift to have had this amazing opportunity to get my Master of Arts in Theology with a concentration on reconciliation and intercultural studies the last 4 years!).

a reading of Psalm 67 that I got to do for the service tonight: 

Reflections below from a Lectio reading of Psalm 67 this week with my Lectio group (I asked if we could focus on this passage since I'd be reading it this week at the service... Thanks, Kristi! :) 

“May God be gracious to us
and bless us and make his face shine on us...” (Psalm 67:1)
This sounds so much like the blessing
we are taught
to use to bless others
in Numbers 6:24: 
“The Lord bless you and keep you; and be gracious to you. The Lord make his face shine on you." 

The psalmist has learned to bless.
The psalmist is teaching us to bless.
May God be gracious to us.
God, mark us,
brand us,
claim us
with your grace
to remind us that we are yours….
Let all the people praise you.[1]
Let all people thank and enjoy you[2].
And help us remember that in all things,
we belong to you.[3]

In response,  
let the earth display your exuberance.
And may we,
like the earth,
out of delight and gratitude,
display exuberance too….
May we be who we were
created to be.
We don’t get the credit.
This isn’t about us…
This isn’t some prosperity gospel…
It’s a response to God’s goodness.
It’s what it looks like to be well and whole.
It’s shalom. 

God is the one who blesses
and the one who gives the growth.
Not to us,
O Lord,
Not to us.
But to your name be the glory! [4]
God, bring us your blessing
and an awareness of your mercies
so that we will walk through our days
With reverence and wonder….

[1] NIV Translation, Psalm 67:5
[2] The Message Translation, Psalm 67: 5
[3] Barbara Brown Taylor, The Preaching Life, page 25.
[4] Psalm 115:1 

Mike was my first seminary professor back in 2020! I love that I got to have his class as my first taste of theological education. :) 

SUCH a gift to have Taylor with me at this event (and so happy this boy is on the mend!!) 

best card from Tamara and Elizabeth 

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