Monday, September 10, 2012


 Last night at church, I asked our dear friend Bill if he could come over sometime to share some of his carpentry skills and help me begin to pull pieces together from the wreckage yesterday. He showed up with clamps, glue, and skills that are much beyond my abilities to help out today. Another gift of grace indeed... 

I loved this today that I read: "The Bible is full of My promises to be with you always. As I assured Jacob, when he was journeying away from home into unknown places. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. My last recorded promise to My followers was: Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Let these assurances of My continual Presence fill you with Joy and Peace. No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with Me." -Sarah Young 

repairing the beautiful bed that my dad told me was made in the late 1800s... 

Micah was a trooper coming along and hanging out while we worked.. 

Bill helped put together two beds and our wardrobe too.  There is noticeable damage in some areas, but it was good to see them put together so that we can begin to envision how we will begin the mending.  My friend Jennifer wrote me this today and it moved me to tears: 
"I was reading in 1 Peter today  (1:3-12) right after I read your blog post about
receiving your possessions. Sigh. The world is such a combination of sin and
glory - and I'm so grateful that in the midst of seeing the ugly and brokenness
of sin yesterday, that God so graciously showed you (and gave you eyes to see!
Oh, yes, how some might have missed it!) the glory as well. I pray in the coming
days, as you discover and rediscover the brokenness of life, that you are
reminded of his perfecting work - that your heart continually turns to Him to be
repaired and healed, and that His glory shines through." 

  As I began to make the beds, I decided to go ahead and iron this dust ruffle of Anna's.  Our kitchen has an old pull-out ironing board (super cool!)  from one of the cupboards and I got in the groove. For those of you who know me, this is quite funny to see me ironing as it really is just not my favorite thing to do. Jason really is the ironing guy in our family for which I am so very grateful.)

Micah hanging out in the kitchen 


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