Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bonjour and Bonsoir!

We went through the time warp on Wednesday and landed in Paris on Thursday morning. After navigating the trains to get to our Airbnb, we all took naps and then soon after tracked down our first chocolate croissant. Late this afternoon and evening, we checked out the Eiffel Tower from many different angles (our favorite was the view on top of the Arc de Triomph!).

crossing a bridge over the Seine River where the opening ceremonies will be tomorrow 

fun to be here amidst all the buzz of  the Olympics! 

Anna and Jason win the prize for navigation today! 

first view on top of the Arc de Triomph 

watching it light up! 

"Napoleon the military genius"
 (that description has gone down in Haynes lore as apparently,
that's what I said in 6th grade when I was studying for a test) 

video from Youtube of the Eiffel Tower sparkling 5 minutes every hour on the hour 
(we saw it from below after we headed down but it was still magical!) 


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