Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Welcome to Taize!

Welcome to Taize! 
We were dozing on and off on our early morning train ride from Paris to Taizé on Sunday 7/29, but almost every time I woke up, I was delighted with the sight of sunflower fields out the window in the French countryside. 

the road to Taizé

Tobias (whom we met on the bus that we took from the train station on Sunday) has been coming to Taizé every year since he was 14 (and he is now 33). When we got here, he took us under his wing and took us to his favorite spot on site which is the chapel in the village of Taizé. We went in there and began to sing since no one else was there. First of all, Tobias can sing and makes everyone else around him sound good. Secondly, there is an echo in the chapel that is unlike anything I’ve ever heard and makes for such incredible singing. What a way to begin our pilgrimage here! 

the chapel in the village of Taizé

All the Americans visiting Taizé (Elisa and Scott Scheuer with their three kids from Roanoke, VA and Janelle and Forest Buckner with their three kids (2 not pictured here) from Spokane, WA) with Brother Emile who met with us to share more about Taizé

the chapel in the village of Ameugny (a 10 minute walk from Taizé) 

running buddy (Thomas from Germany) 

the church here at Taizé with the sunshine pouring through for morning prayer 

Anna is in a program for the youth (anyone up to age 35), and has met some wonderful folks from around Europe in her group. I am in a group with adults from Slovenia, Austria, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands, and Jason is finding some wonderful space in several of the nearby chapels with the opportunity to be in silence during part of the day set apart for small groups. 

from Wikipedia about Taize

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