Monday, July 8, 2024

Merrie Woode Seattle Reunion

My friend Holly Ambler (whom I met at Camp Merrie Woode when I was in middle school/ early high school) came to town and we got to spend the afternoon and evening together for a kayak tour of Seattle on Lake Union and for dinner. She is here because her son Will is a guide for RMI Expeditions, and he is guiding her up Rainier this week!! Will has a lot in common with Taylor, so we'll see if this is a sign of what is to come for us with a mountain guide in the family. :) 

Pictures below from a river trip in 1988, a reunion in 2008 at Camp Merrie-Woode, and from Sunday afternoon/evening together here in Seattle....

Ocoee trip with Holly Ambler and Jamie Porges -- summer of 1988 
(I still love that pink kayak which is on top of the car-- and Holly paddled in it yesterday on Lake Union!) 

July 2008 - Camp Merrie Woode Reunion 
(Holly's family- husband Chase, son Will and daughter Kate) 

Emily, Holly, and Will

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