Friday, July 26, 2024

Olympic Spirit in a Global Crowd

After sleeping in quite a bit and catching up on our jetlag, we headed out to the Rodin Museum only to get there to find out that it was closing early. That led us to walking around the area which was already so crowded with so many fans lining up early for the opening ceremonies. The buzz was quite fun, and it reminded me so much of the times in Chicago, New York, and Boston with the marathon excitement (but at least with this experience, I am glad to say I am not running 26.2 miles tomorrow!). 

We talked to a lovely policewoman at one point asking for directions as many roads and bridges were closed to where we were thinking of going, and she suggested we head over to Montmartre. It was the best advice as we had a lovely adventure going over to see the quaint cobblestone streets and going into the Sacre-Coeur and Saint-Pierre de Montmartre. 

And then this evening, we headed over to a fan zone at Jardin de Reuilly about 20 minutes from our Airbnb where we joined a wonderful global crowd to watch the opening ceremonies. (Fan Zones are set up around the city where spectators can watch the Games on a big screen for free.) It was so much fun to cheer for all the countries in the boats on the Seine and see the incredible light show from the Eiffel Tower! 

at the gorgeous Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Montmartre 

we loved this smaller chapel too - Saint-Pierre de Montmartre

Montmartre neighborhood 

more great stuff to see there in that part of town: 

Olympic spirit at the fan zone 

folks going nuts behind us from Spain when their boat was on the screen 
It was such fun to hear which countries earned the biggest cheers from the global crowd in our mix tonight.... (Spain, Mexico, France, Venezuela, Palestine, US, and Peru 
earned some of the loudest cheers). 

an over the top USA couple we spotted in the crowds of Paris today 

and we got these photo booth pictures taken as a joke today at one of the Metro stationa
(in honor of Gingie's pictures with ET in Paris like this in 2002). 

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