Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Mexico Recap

Very grateful that Jason and Taylor were able to make some sweet memories with the Cravys and some wonderful folks from 1st Pres Missoula last week in Juarez with Casas por Cristo even with temps that got up to 110 degrees (!), and I loved this that Jason shared in a text with Dan and Tracey (that he forwarded to me): 

"As I continue reflecting on the complexity and limitations of last week's work, I found this Nouwen quote as a reminder that even limited human actions and connections (here, a short-term weeklong mission) are part of offering others a glimpse of God and God's love: 

'One thing is becoming clear to me: God became flesh for us to show us that the way to come in touch with God's love is the human way, in which the limited and partial affection that people can give offers access to the unlimited and complete love that God has poured into the human heart. God's love cannot be found outside this human affection, even when that human affection is tainted by the brokenness of our time.' 

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