Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Celebrating Four Years!

A wonderful start to the day celebrating four years of Lectio with these ladies! We had coffee cake and used a favorite reflection to mark this time together.... 

The following words are from my friend Lilly Lewin who loves to pray with her morning cup of coffee every day. 

Consider the cup.
How is your cup today?
Look at your cup.  What do you notice?
Is it full? Empty? Faded? Cracked or chipped?
How are you feeling like that cup?
What do you need to pour out?
What do you need Jesus to pour into your cup?
Maybe peace or joy?
Compassion .. for yourself & for others?
Energy to keep going?
What do you need in your cup today?
Jesus is with you & me in the messiness of this life--
in the chipped and cracked places,
in the empty places and the places that are stained & scratched.
Jesus loves us and is with us right where we are!
Drink that in today!

A Prayer for you and your cup…
Lord Jesus…
help us to be, to share and drink from
cups of transformation.
Help us to be cups of resurrection,
cups of restoration,
cups of healing and wholeness,
safe to drink from.
We are stained and broken,
chipped and cracked…
And some may say we are not the favorite one
in the cupboard or on the shelf,
but you Jesus, love us just as we are!
And use us just the same.
Fill us, Jesus, with your Living Water.
Help us to share Living Water with those around us
and bring refreshment and great flavor to our world!

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