Saturday, August 17, 2024

Vesper Peak

We are in the last week of soaking up time with both Anna and Taylor here (as Anna leaves on 8/23) so we escaped to the mountains this weekend. After a few other plans fell through due to smoke in some areas, we decided to head to Vesper Peak. It was a tough hike for sure (as we had some scrambling to do on a boulder field yesterday when we got off trail for about 45 minutes), but Taylor's month-long excursion in the wilderness last month made him our camp counselor as he encouraged us up the mountain and even held my hand on some big steps coming down today (4000 feet of elevation!!). So grateful for this crew and more wonderful memories in the mountains together. 

at the start of the hike

hiking in the clouds on Friday 

The pika was our mascot on this trip for sure! 

arriving at Lake Elan where we camped Friday night 

practicing my sermon as Taylor was cooking dinner for us... 

homemade pizza made by Taylor 
(notice that we forgot the cheese when we were packing- major bummer! But they were still amazing!) 


we can still all fit in our tent! 
(but I won't lie- I am excited about my own bed tonight:) 

we all did some polar plunges today :) 

hike up to Vesper Peak (much better views today as yesterday would have been in a cloud) 

hiking back down to the lake 

I sure LOVE these people.... 

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