Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sermon Sunday

I got to give the sermon at our church today, and I was asked to share about my favorite verse. It was such a great opportunity to lean more into Zephaniah 3:17 over the summer to prepare for today. 

On my way to church this morning, I thought of this hilarious drawing that Katherine Carpenter (a.k.a. Kathy Falk) made for me in middle school that I dug up this past weekend looking through an old yearbook, and I literally laughed out loud in the car.  

You can find the sermon here on Google Drive with the slides embedded in the sermon so you have some visuals to keep you going through the text. Grateful that the Spirit specializes in making beautiful things out of dust- so I trust folks who heard this today found some encouragement in these words. 

What an absolute gift to have Anna and Taylor here for this day...
(and Jason was the MVP as he was the editor for my sermon and made me sound much better today)! 

Marcia brought her family and filled up a whole row :) 

my former student Dora and her daughter Rhine 

So happy to have Chris and Jeff here today! 

Jeanette coming this morning was a sweet surprise... :) 

and another surprise was our sweet neighbors Dustin and Kristi Brumbaugh 

post church lunch with the Atkins :) 

And a little shout out to others who came today to cheer me on (in person and online) 💛- 
so grateful for this cloud of witnesses we get to have in this life. 

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