Friday, August 23, 2024

"The Wad"

Taylor showed me pictures tonight from his trip, and they are stunning. What a gift to see some of the incredible images that became the backdrop of Taylor's summer. He sure had some pretty amazing exposure therapy to the beauty of the mountains. 

His leader Marcelo Mascareno wrote this on his Instagram post about the trip: “The Wad” – Waddington Mountain Range, Canada. Since my first expedition in 2001, this remote territory in British Columbia, with mountains of stunning aesthetic beauty and numerous fascinating alpine routes, continues to captivate. In these last two decades of presence, climate change has transformed part of this landscape, imposing new challenges and making each expedition a delicate balancing act in the face of changing nature. The high temperatures, both day and night, challenged us deeply, but also reminded us of the fragility of this environment.

I say goodbye to this mountain range with nostalgia, aware that each visit could be the last. As the heat and smoke from the forest fires turned the landscape golden, we walked away, leaving behind not only a place, but for me two decades of memories and a photographic legacy that treasures the spirit of these mountains.

photo above of Taylor climbing up the mountain
 (taken by his guide Marcelo and posted on his Instagram page

Taylor above in green 

Ben, Evan, and Taylor 

the alarm clock usually went off for them at 4:30 am! 

Taylor and Ben 

with camping bag sent with Taylor from Abba.... 

pizza maker at work 

this picture that Taylor took should go on the cover of a NOLS catalogue 

pancakes were another Taylor specialty 

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