Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Epiphany 2016

Today is a significant marker as it is the day we celebrate Epiphany but it is also the day that marks two years since Jason found out that he would not longer be working for New Leaders.  Over the last two years, many prayers have been offered.  While a permanent job is what we have prayed for and while that deal has not been sealed yet, we have seen God's faithfulness over and over again. Good, solid contract work has been available for Jason in his field of educational leadership, and he has been able to use his gifts and expertise.  I have been given more teaching opportunities at SPU over the last two years which was totally unexpected and which has been such a gift of grace. God has provided just enough light along the way for the next steps.  Though this whole process, it is clear to me that God has been cultivating trust even though there have been times that I've cried out, "How long, Lord?!" 

After dinner tonight, we each offered a short prayer, and once again I was humbled by the ways that God speaks through our children.  In my journal, I found the words that Anna and Taylor prayed with us on these days the last two years. From Epiphany 2014: "Please help Daddy find a job. We know this is in your hands." Last year on Epiphany:  "Dear God, please help Daddy find a job that he does not dread going to everyday." Tonight, Anna prayed that the right door would open and that Jason would know that he is loved.  I think she nailed it. 
Isn't that what all of us need with any of the trials we face? 
My heart is full of gratitude today for the Light of the world that has come into our darkness. 

"Epiphany is a wonderful celebration for those of us who are committing ourselves more deeply to the process of spiritual transformation, for it contains themes of journeying from the known to the unknown with only a mysterious star to guide us. Compelled by an inner desire for a deeper experience of God’s presence and guided by the appearance of some light of spiritual possibility, we are brought to that choice point that is at the heart of all spiritual journeying. We must leave the familiar—with all the trappings that keep us feeling confident, secure, in control—for places that are unknown and require humility, letting go, and moving bravely in a new direction. Whereas Advent themes have to do with receptivity and waiting, the themes of Epiphany highlight our response to the showing forth of God’s presence in our lives, beckoning to us to move beyond all we think we know. It has to do with seeing something new on the horizon that stirs something new in us." -Ruth Haley Barton 


  1. email from Susanne Hassell:
    Beautiful! Gratitude brings light to all our darkness.

    email from Brooke Anderson:
    Emily, this is just beautiful. Thank you for sending it to me. I can't help but think that this experience of uncertainty in the job/vocation area is developing deep roots in real security and contentment in Anna and Taylor. They will be different people because of it. You are an amazing mother/guide/mentor in helping them see about the kingdom of heaven here on earth.
    God bless you dear friend.

  2. email from Rene:
    You voice God’s constant care and tending; both the evidence of things not seen and gifts we would not have asked for, but truly need. Your family is precious.
    I fully join in your wonderful expression, “My heart is full of gratitude today for the Light of the world that has come into our darkness.”
    Together we prayerfully trust in our All-Sufficient One who is meeting all our needs. What riches of love we have in Christ Jesus our Lord!
    You are a Light-Bearer, Emily, keep shining.
    Happy New Year...

  3. email from Dan:
    I’m so glad for the way you shepherd your children to look for the light in the dark, for the open door, and for the love of God to come in!
    Blessings on you,
