Sunday, June 10, 2018

Light at the End of the Tunnel 2018

Today was race day, and I am still pinching myself that it turned out to be a PR Day (3:25!)!  My prayer through the run was for health and strength and daily bread, and I am so grateful for God's sustaining grace through the miles.  I met my goals of finishing with a smile on my face and doing my best today, and I'm grateful for a body that is getting older but still able to run and able to get faster though the years!  

bright and early this morning..... 

YIKES! A  very cold start that we were not expecting.... 
A VERY kind runner loaned me some extra mittens and those were a lifesaver... 
First gift of daily bread.... :) 

Here we go!

the tunnel we got to run through for the first two miles... 

Taylor running in to help me finish.... 
Such a gift to cross the finish line with him as I've been praying for him through this training in honor of his 13th birthday. (See for some reflections across the miles

Jason- thank you for running the last 2 miles with me!! So grateful to share life and miles together... I'll take something just like this any day.... 

Grateful for Elizabeth for writing the training plan and for being my go-to running buddy over the last 6 years here in Seattle... I'm a better person and runner because of this amazing woman... 

So thankful for Mom's encouragement through the years in running- 
she's believed in me when I doubted I could qualify for Boston in 2012. (There have been so many lessons learned through the years from running- what a gift she gave me with her optimism and support. She has been an amazing cheerleader. :) 

muddy buddy 

This song was on my playlist this morning during the marathon, 
and it captures my heart today: 

I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Letting go and trusting when I cannot see
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Surely every season you are good to me
Oh, you are good to me
Oh, you are good to me
You were there in the valley of shadows
You were there in the depth of my sorrows
You're my strength, my hope for tomorrow
I've been blessed beyond all measure
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing

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