Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We are HERE!

I came across this article recently called "The Importance of Early Adolescence" and I am just reminded of how we are certainly at critical stages with our kids. Here are a few things to highlight from the article. 
"Of all the types and kinds of development that occur during these early adolescent years, one kind is of particularly critical importance, yet it has seldom been recognized. No other age level is of more importance to the future of individuals, and, literally, to that of society; because these are the years when youngsters crystallize their beliefs about themselves and firm up their self-concepts, their philosophies of life, and their valuesthe things that are the ultimate determinants of their behavior.

And having left these formative years, individuals change very, very little in significant ways in values and standards. Alfred North Whitehead proclaimed that these are the years "during which the lines of character are graven."
Albert Schweitzer also considered that "The most important years in life are those between nine and fourteen. This is the time to plant the seeds of knowledge in the mindafterwards it is too late. This is the time to acquaint the young with the great spirits of mankind."
More recently the early adolescent years have been viewed as the second and last chance to influence youth, to set their direction for the future.
In light of this reality, the case for declaring the early adolescent years as the most important period of life is clear."

As I read this, we are right HERE in these stages. Praying for mercy, wisdom, and guidance (and some extra funds to put in the "therapy jar" as I know we won't get it all right!) :)

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