Friday, May 31, 2024

May Twenty-Twenty Four

"Blessed is the path on which you travel. Blessed is the body that carries you upon it. Blessed is your heart that has heard the call. Blessed is your mind that discerns the way. Blessed is the gift that you will receive by going. Truly blessed is the gift that you will become on the journey."
- Eric Williams, “Blessed is the Path”

The month of May was a pure GIFT. I had the incredible opportunity to return to India for a week in mid-May. (The last time I'd been there with Children of the Kingdom was in 2018). If you want to read a bit more about it, you can see this post: 

Thank you, God, for the things that sparkled in this past week…

Thank you for spices ground up daily which made for such incredible flavor and for something that tasted like love at every single meal around the Thota table.

Thank you for contagious joy in a room full of bubbles in a room full of bubbles, and thank you for mothers who were crowned with glory and honor for an evening.

Thank you for Energizer Bunny reserves that showed up despite very little sleep, for throwback moments with kids and parents with old favorite pictures shared, and for early morning walks with cows, monkeys, goats, and chickens as companions.

Thank you for the honor of bearing witness to the stories I heard and the people I met- for their deep commitment, their incredible resilience, their grief over unspeakable loss, their delight in one another, and their fierce and abiding love.

Thank you for the ways that I saw my heart being broken yet softened by these stories.

Thank you for belly laughter and the comfort and security of family relationships.

Thank you for the reminder that we are made of more than us, that we belong to one another, and that the kingdom of God is a beautiful web of relationships.

Thank you for ways I saw your presence so clearly in my life and in the world around me, and thank you for anchoring and grounding me more in your love.

other adventures below from May back in the US (and Argentina for Anna who is still there for one more week): 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Beauty All Around


Last night after dinner, I took Porter on a walk to see the wonderfully quirky trolls made out of pottery on 17th (known as the Ravenna Trollbooth). On the way we noticed some gorgeous flowers and decided to have a contest to decide which one was our favorite. Scroll down to the bottom to see Porter's favorite.  It reminded me of the neighborhood walks that Anna and I did together during Lent of that first Covid where we took a picture of something beautiful with each walk:

and the winner is this purple beauty below......
a Lady's Glove 

so many wonderful characters to choose from... 
Here are some of our favorites below: 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Willow Wednesday 5.29.24


Kudos to Jason for taking these photos this week.....

hoping these will brighten your day! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Crazy Tradition

Elizabeth's 50th birthday is on Friday, but I figured I'd surprise her with balloons on the bridge on 20th as I've done in the past as she would not suspect anything today. So I recruited Porter to help me blow up 50 balloons last night (with an electric pump that I borrowed from someone at SPU!) and take them to the bridge just before it got dark.  On the way, he commented that some families have crazy traditions and that he thought this one was really fun. It was such a delight to have him as my partner in crime last night. 

I love Porter's note here! 

Fortunately:  Elizabeth was quite surprised and loved it.  

Unfortunately: someone took all the balloons down between 9:15 pm last night and 6:15 am this morning. (I've not had that problem in the past, but will learn my lesson to not do it that far in advance next time!) 

Fortunately: It did not matter because it was still a fun bonding time together and we still brought Elizabeth birthday cheer. Sometimes, it's the thought that counts!! 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Play Day

 Such a fun Memorial Day to explore and play in Seattle with Allison and Porter! 
The Fremont Troll has new steps and pavement in front! 

fun doughnut spot in Ballard 

a gorgeous tree at the Seattle Locks 

Frankie Feetsplinters Troll at the Nordic Museum - designed by Thomas Dambo 

Kerry Park 

parade of colors at Pike Place 

the notoriously disgusting gum wall 

a little visit to see our charms :) 

and pictures below from Porter's visit 6 years ago in 2018 at some of these same stomping grounds: