Monday, May 6, 2024

India 2024- Day 1


my blue dot is a bit further from home than usual...

A prayer for this week in India and beyond…
Turning to the day and to each other,
we open ourselves to the day and each other.
This is the day that the Lord has made
and a day we’ll make our way through.
Whether with ease or pain,
With energy or exhaustion,
with patience or anxiety,
with joy or sorrow,
with celebration or disappointment,
may we find opportunities for generosity
toward others and ourselves.
May we find moments of encounter
even in isolation.
May we always know that we are held in Your love, 
and may that love spill over into the people before us.
May we see others as You see them with deep delight,
and may we remember that we belong to each other.
May we begin again
where we have failed again.
Because this is a way of living
That’s worth living daily.
-adapted from Padraig O’Tuama’s Opening Prayer from Being Here: Prayers for Curiosity, Justice, and Love 
and from my Kenya post-trip prayer


gorgeous sunrise in Hyderabad this morning at 6 am about to catch my flight to Rajahmundry --  so grateful for smooth sailing on all my connections on this trip! 

oh my- aren't Ratnakar and Saroja two of the most beautiful people in the world?

a wonderful surprise of a lot of the students from Children of the Kingdom at Ratnakar's house for such a warm welcome 

cashew fruit (how has it taken me over 51 years to see these?!) 

such a gift to call Veronica and our Kenya team this afternoon with Saroja and Ratnakar for our Monday meeting :) 

This afternoon, I asked these three students pictured behind Ratnakar and Saroja what advice they would give to someone starting high school.  Harshavardini (far right) said that she would encourage them to take the time to really understand what they are learning (not just jumping through the hoops). Amaravathi (middle)  shared advice to not worry about what other people think and to develop more of their own voice and confidence.  Satish (top left)  said he would encourage others to make use of time they have now to work hard in school so that down the road what they have done in the past will help sustain them.  It was fun to realize that they are all the same age as Taylor, and I was so impressed hearing these pearls of wisdom.  

And come to find out that Saroja was the wise sage who shared all of this with them in the first place through the years. I love that they have an amazing big sister and big brother in Saroja and Ratnakar. 

such a treat to visit these wonderful sisters at their home tonight 
Harshavardini (right) and Amaravathi (left) home tonight 💛

visiting their home in 2014

visiting their home in 2024 

see pictures below for them in 2012, 2014, and 2018: 




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