Sunday, May 19, 2024

Wit, Wisdom, and Whimsy


I saw these three words strung together somewhere, and they are the perfect words for the weekend I got to have celebrating my friend Maegan over in the Methow Valley for her 50th birthday. Not only did a few of us from her birthday gathering get to run on a new trail on Saturday morning that was gorgeous, but we also got to meet Maegan's friends who are a part of her work community with Airlift NW. They have all been flight nurses together for many years (they are nurses who respond to crises and provide emergency care for patients in a helicopter- wow.), and they are some of the most wonderful people I've ever met... It was such a gift to get to know more of Maegan's world and to be folded into this birthday community for the weekend. 

these earrings have gotten a lot of mileage for 50th celebrations! 

and these glasses and this crown have also had their fair share of parties! 

One of the flight nurses (in the pink wig far left) Barb brought a box of wigs for everyone to add to the festivities, and it was hilarious to play pickleball in these. 
left to right: Barb, Emily, Nicole, Mary Lynn, Sherry, Della, and Maegan 

Emily and Maegan :) 

My wig was the only one that stayed on in the whole pickleball tournament. :) 

Elizabeth with the wig on :) 

Cheers to 50 years! 

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