Thursday, May 9, 2024

India 2024- Day 4

Reflections from a Lectio reading of Psalm 46 with the students 
this morning for our devotion: 
The Lord is….
our refuge
our strength
our comfort
our present help
our anchor
our faithful companion
our peace.
He is with us….
in trouble
in stillness
in celebration
in disappointment
in anxiety
in fear
in conflict
in joy
in sorrow
in pain
in heartbreak
in delight
in exhaustion
in every little thing
in every big thing.
He is with us.

Listen to hear Amaravathi read Psalm 46 out of the New Living Version here and her sister Harshavardini read it here from the NIV for a big treat. 

Thursday morning glory 

love in a bowl made by Saroja 
(a delicious tomato curry called pachadi served with dosas for breakfast) 

seeing where Ratnakar's church has been built 
(and thanks to Saroja for letting me raid her closet to borrow a few dresses!) 

picture of us in 2018 praying at the site of where the church is now

first visit of the day was to meet these two new students in Children of the Kingdom: 
Prajna Sri (left) and Rashmika (right) and their parents 

second visit of the day to meet Reena (left) and Neena (right) 
with a wonderful photo bomb from their grandfather 

Third visit of the day: Sukumar and his grandmother 

Ratnakar added Sukamar to our child sponsorship list 8 years ago after his mother died and when his grandmother was the only one to take care of him. It was powerful being with them for a little while today, seeing their humble home, hearing a bit more of their story, and also learning that Sukumar is just like any other kid who likes to play sports (cricket for him) with his friends. There is no possible way I can understand what life is like for them, but it was profound to bear witness even in the tiniest way to the weight of responsibility on this dear grandmother.  

Mother's Day cards made by Sabitha and her brother Rushendra 

the making of biryani for lunch (DELICIOUS!!!) 

palm fruit

a really fun board game here called caram 

Fourth visit of the day 
Satish and Naveen with their mom and grandmother 

2012 (Satish on left and Naveen on right) 




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