Sunday, May 12, 2024

India 2024- Day 7 (Happy Mother's Day!)

Today has been ridiculously joyful with church this morning and our Children of the Kingdom Mother's Day banquet this evening..... Definitely one of those overflowing cup kind of days... 
(brief summary of my sermon that I got to share this morning at church about Hagar)

a non-Israelite,
a slave girl,
a woman with no power or status,
is the only person in Scripture
to give God a name—
El Roi,
“the God who sees me.”
Wherever we might be found
in our own wilderness stories,
God sees us.
God is with us--
sustaining us, 

knowing us, 
loving us, 
and rescuing us. 


Amaravathi, Harsharvardini, Vijay (Ratnakar's aunt), Sampathi (Ratnakar's mom), and Mrudula & Saroja (Ratnakar's sisters) 

Samson, Satish, Barghavi, Madhavi and Naveen 

I feel so much like a "boy mom" in this picture (some of these guys are Taylor's age (and a couple remind me of him) and have been so fun to get to know better this week. 

with Swapna's 4 month old son 

with Jothi and her family (they gave me this beautiful outfit to wear for church today!) 

wonderful Mother's Day card from Mithali 


welcoming these queens to celebrate them for Mother's Day at the evening banquet we hosted 

Barghavi's daughter 

dream team- Ratnakar and Saroja 

Naveen and Satish 

Munesh and Guarav

a hug from Ratnakar's mom when Ratnakar's family surprised me with flowers 

I brought a bunch of bubbles thinking I'd pass them out at the end as party favors from the banquet, but then I thought it would be fun to give them to everyone after my Mother's Day talk and have them blow bubbles in the direction of the mothers in the room. And oh my! It was PURE JOY! 
There really is something magical about a whole room filled with bubbles--- and now this Mother's Day goes down in the books with my wedding and my 50th birthday party where bubbles played a key part in the whimsy and delight of them all. 

another outfit borrowed from Saroja (what a gorgeous sari!!!) 

a delightful picture of Ratnakar, Mrudula, and Saroja giving a kiss to their mom (Sampathi)
 that they have on the wall

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