Sunday, May 26, 2024

Welcome to Seattle!

Welcome Allison and Porter! 
(They are here to see the Pearl Jam concert on Tuesday!) 

I wanted to get Porter a chocolate bar to welcome him from Seattle Chocolate, and the best one at the store was the "Happy Birthday" one- so I just labeled it with a sticker that said "45 days early!") 

Love his Nashville hat 
(Porter is holding the fancy PB & J for lunch that I made him with the dinosaur shape sandwich cutter I found deep in the cupboard. These sandwiches look about as good as my drawings of giraffes in India. 😂) 

We got out Taylor's skateboard ramp that he and Abba made as I saw he brought a couple of little skateboards just like the ones Taylor used to have (tech decks) 

a visit to Hogwarts (I mean Suzzallo Library) 

checking out where we played quidditch many moons ago for Anna's Harry Potter birthday party 

a fun dinner tonight with Bill and Elizabeth :) 

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