Monday, May 13, 2024

India 2024- Day 8


Reflections from a Lectio reading of John 14:27 and Philippians 4:4-9 with the students 

this morning for our devotion: 

Rajahmundry sunrise- May 13th 

May the peace of Christ go with you. 
This peace is not fragile- 
it's a gift 
the world cannot give. 
It stems from the fierce love of God
that guards and protects
your heart and mind. 
Whatever situation you are in, 
you can have peace 
in the midst of the storm. 
A sense of God's wholeness 
can come and settle you down, 
like the gentle love of a mother 
helping to soothe and comfort
a child who is hungry or angry 
or lonely or tired. 
So let God know all your needs,
and God's gentle and fierce heart 
will bring you peace
leaving you well and whole. 
May the peace of Christ go with you. 

These morning walks with Ratnakar have been such an unexpected delight. We've walked an 1.5 hour loop near their house each day from 5:30 am to 7am (except Sunday), and it has given us some wonderful times to talk about our work together along with stories of connection, questions about Indian culture, updates about some of the children, hopes for the future, and the gift of sharing life together.  

last time with the kids this morning for our devotion as I leave late tonight... 
These sunflowers seemed very fitting gifts to remember our mornings together as I told them that they have been such a bright spot to me in this past week. 

Yesterday afternoon in between church and our banquet, I was so delighted and honored to be invited to join Saroja, Ratnakar, and their mom to attend Sindhu's coming of age ceremony marking the time that she got her first period. It was short and sweet with a group of people gathered around her to pray and then to line up to sprinkle beautiful flower marigold and rose petals on her head and say a blessing over her. She was decked out in a stunning sari, and she looked beautiful! We all left with gifts bestowed upon us (a basket of fruit and a box of dates). 

I wrote about what Anna and I did for her rite of passage to mark this occasion when she was Sindhu's age. 
 While it was extra special, this experience at Sindhu's house certainly adds to my imagination of ways to expand such a celebration! This was such a rich experience, and the floral confetti sprinkled on her head added so much joy! 

a drive around to see more of Rajahmundry today
(this beautiful blue top was a gift from Munesh from his town of Lucknow that he brought- I have been so spoiled!) 

lush banana farms 

East Godavari River

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