Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Crazy Tradition

Elizabeth's 50th birthday is on Friday, but I figured I'd surprise her with balloons on the bridge on 20th as I've done in the past as she would not suspect anything today. So I recruited Porter to help me blow up 50 balloons last night (with an electric pump that I borrowed from someone at SPU!) and take them to the bridge just before it got dark.  On the way, he commented that some families have crazy traditions and that he thought this one was really fun. It was such a delight to have him as my partner in crime last night. 

I love Porter's note here! 

Fortunately:  Elizabeth was quite surprised and loved it.  

Unfortunately: someone took all the balloons down between 9:15 pm last night and 6:15 am this morning. (I've not had that problem in the past, but will learn my lesson to not do it that far in advance next time!) 

Fortunately: It did not matter because it was still a fun bonding time together and we still brought Elizabeth birthday cheer. Sometimes, it's the thought that counts!! 

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