Wednesday, September 12, 2012


 I think I might need to make an investment in velcro. For the last 6 weeks, we have been living out of suitcases and backpacks. We have been sleeping in sleeping bags for the last couple of weeks and we are going back and forth between our house and other's places.  I am prone to misplacing things like crazy as we don't have a routine yet. 

For example, (get ready for a run-on sentence)...... While I am unpacking a box, I remember that there is a load of laundry finished in the basement and then I leave the camera on the stairs because the box I decide to carry up the stairs along with the laundry is too heavy and then I remember that I need to finish touching up the paint on one drawer in the kitchen before I can put some stuff in it and then I think of where the camera might be because I need to take a picture of the crack in the beautiful table that the moving company broke so that I can file a claim and then I look at my watch and it is time to pick up the kids and then I don't know where my keys are so I start looking for those and decide that maybe I need to retrace my steps from the entire day but that would take too long......... you get the picture. 

I might put velcro on my whole body today so that I can attach essential objects to my body so that I don't spend most of the day trying to find things. 

Looking forward to more boxes being unpacked so that I can actually have a system in place and not be so prone to lose everything!! 

embracing the chaos.... 

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