june 2013....
· * A prayer for wonder invites God to begin transforming us from the inside out.
· * When we pray for wonder and live eyes wide open to wonder, the tone and tenacity with which we live our lives changes. We become expectant to catch glimpses of God in ways we've never seen Him before. We begin dismissing mere chance and embracing divine appointments.
"Yes, time flies.
But I don't want to stop it. I want to climb on its back and soak up every inch of the scenery. I want to drink in the laughter, the tears, the soccer games, the visits to the ER, the blues skies and the torrential rains that this world has to offer. For when the cosmic clock is finally grounded, I will climb off its back, grateful for the wild and wonderful (full-of-wonder) ride.
So enjoy your toddlers, your teenagers, your grandchildren. Don't miss one bit of the ride due to fear or regret. For the day is coming when the tarnish of time will be removed from us all. And underneath will be revealed the beauty, the creativity, the wonder, the whimsy, and the perfected love that was imprinted on our souls from the very foundations of the universe."
-Julie Silander http://www.storywarren.com/time-flies/
Giving thanks for friends who are buoys in life....
buoy up- verb
buoy up - make more cheerful; "the conversation lightened me up a bit"
cheer - show approval or good wishes by shouting; "everybody cheered the birthday boy"
buoy up - keep afloat; "The life vest buoyed him up"
"I have failed miserably too many times to remember, but I always get back into the game and try again. I think that is the secret for our family, much grace and resilience." –Barbara Ambrose http://www.styleblueprint.com/featured/faces-nashville-barbara-ambrose/
unicycle ride around Green Lake
Dance Fremont Rites of Spring Dance Concert 2013
"Lord, you have done great things for us, many of which we have hardly noticed. You are Lord over the past, sovereign in the present and victorious in the future. Even in our trials, we celebrate you." -Common Prayer by Shane Claiborne
"Who knows how the awareness of God's love first hits people? Every person has his own tale to tell, including the person who would not believe in God if you paid him. Some moment happens in your life that makes you say Yes right up to the roots of your hair, that makes it worth having been born just to have happen. Laughing with somebody till tears run down your cheeks. Waking up to the first snow. Being with somebody you love. Whether you thank God for such a moment or thank your lucky stars, it is a moment that is trying to open up your whole life. If you try to turn your back on such a moment and hurry along to Business as Usual, it may lose you the whole ball game. If you throw your arms around such a moment and hug it like crazy, it may save your soul." –Frederick Buechner

school's out!!! summer has begun....
Note to Jason from Taylor on his Father's Day card (with no help from me): "Dear Dad, I hope you have a good Father's Day. Thank you for taking me mountain biking. Thank you for being by my side no matter what. Love, Taylor."
"I felt the iron weight of the pause as I grasped for the perfect way to express what I desired from God. I took a deep breath and plunged. "This sounds strange," I apologized, "but I'm praying for pixie dust." I might as well have vacuumed all the air out of the room. While a few stared uncomfortably at me, more than a dozen eyes darted back and forth in an almost unanimous expression: what have we gotten ourselves into? I kept talking. "More than anything, what I long for is our God, the One who bedazzled the heavens and razzle-dazzled the earth, to meet us in such a way during our time in Scotland that we find ourselves awestruck by his goodness and generosity, his provision and presence. I'm praying for pixie dust. I want to leave here with a sense of wonderment as we encounter and experience things only God can do."
Margaret Feinberg Wonderstruck
I read this book quoted above before our trip to San Juan Island with the Cravys and the Hartmans and began praying for "pixie dust". I am giving thanks for the wonder we were shown in our few days there and for the gift of the time together!
Some more quotes from Margaret Feiberg's book Wonderstruck:
· * When we choose to faithfully pray for wonder, we can't remain the same.· * A prayer for wonder invites God to begin transforming us from the inside out.
· * When we pray for wonder and live eyes wide open to wonder, the tone and tenacity with which we live our lives changes. We become expectant to catch glimpses of God in ways we've never seen Him before. We begin dismissing mere chance and embracing divine appointments.
cousin camp 2013...
· * Praying for wonder invites you to turn your eyes on God. A prayer for wonder invites you to look for God under, in, and behind every bush.
· * A prayer for wonder puts you on high alert for God and His handiwork and join to God in the great plan of redemption He's unfolding throughout the earth.
· * The truth is praying for wonder will change you. Forever. And that's a good thing.
· * As you pray for wonder today, pray that God will change you. Pray that you will experience and find God in all you do, everyday.
In summer, the song sings itself. – William Carlos Williams
"Eating lunch with a friend. Trying to do a decent day's work. Hearing the rain patter against the window. There is no event so commonplace but that God is present within it, always hiddenly, always leaving you room to recognize Him." –Frederick Buechner
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