Monday, November 11, 2013

Choosing the Disco Ball...

What fun to have the day off with the kids after being gone this weekend. 

Jason took Taylor to the skate park so that Taylor could scooter to his heart's content.  Anna had been asked to go to roller skating so I joined her for that outing this afternoon.  While I could have stayed home to catch up on work, I was so inspired by how Jason had given of himself so freely this weekend. While I was gone, he gave them focused attention through gifts of time being in charge of 6 kids for our rotating date night on Friday even when the power had gone out, biking at Duthie Hill Park with them both on Saturday, taking them to get hot chocolate to read and play games together, and shuttling them back and forth to various events.  He too could have tried to get ahead on work this weekend instead of doing these things, but he was present with them and had a wonderful time in the process.  

I am glad that I followed in his footsteps today and went rollerskating this afternoon rather than working on reports because I got to skate around in circles around a disco ball for almost 2 hours with my almost eleven year old girl. What a treat to hold Anna's hand and try to describe to her who Cyndi Lauper was when her music came on and to skate along to Katie Perry's tunes. 

What a crazy thing to consider that I was in labor eleven years ago now and that I actually went into the hospital on the night of 11/11 only to be sent home because I was just not far enough along yet even though I had been having some serious contractions for 24 hours already... Little did I know that we would be given a girl who would sparkle our lives up more than any disco ball ever could...
(and little did I know that we would have a girl 
who would have the creativity and determination to BE the disco ball too...) 

Thanks Jason for being my tutor today and for leading me into a fun day by example of your weekend!
I am thankful that you inspired me to choose the disco ball..  

Anna and Tariq taking a spin around the skating rink... 

mural with the Space Needle in the background... 

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