January 6, 2013
HAPPY EPIPHANY! We love this day and our tradition of "chalking the door." We had Hannah over for lunch and she joined us in our liturgy after our meal. It was fun that Taylor and Anna both could be the leaders and could read the passages to us. Also, it was special to remember those who have come through our doors here on 16th and to give thanks for each of them.
(L=Leader, C=Community)
L: The Lord
is with you;
C: And also
with you.
All: Peace be to this house and to all who live, work,
and visit here.
L: Let’s
take a moment to remember the friends and family who have passed through our
door during the past year and give thanks to God for them.
C: (say the
names of friends and family who have visited)
L: The three
wise men came to Bethlehem in search of the Lord. They brought to him precious
gifts: gold to honor the newborn king, incense to the true God in human form,
and myrrh to anoint his body, which one day would die like our own.
L: Let us
pray. O God, you once used a star to show to all the world that Jesus is your
Son. May the light of that star that once guided wise men to honor his birth,
now guide us to recognize him also, to know you by faith, and to see you in the
epiphanies of the daily experiences of our lives.
L: Arise,
shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord — Jesus born of Mary
— shall be revealed.
C: And all flesh shall see
it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
All: As the Wise Men once sought your brilliant
light, O Lord, so may we seek to live and work in your splendor.
L: O God of
Light, bless this (our) house and this (our) family. May this be a place of
peace and health. May each member of this family cultivate the gifts and graces
you have bestowed, dedicating our talents and works for the good of all.
L: Make this
house a shelter in the storm and a haven of rest for all in need of your warmth
and care. And when we go out from this place, may we never lose sight of that
Epiphany star.
C: As we go
about our work, our study, our play, keep us in its light and in your love.
A Blessing of the Chalk for Marking the Door
L: Lord Jesus, through your Incarnation and birth in true human form, you have made all the earth holy. We now ask your blessing upon this simple gift of your creation — chalk. We use it as a tool to teach our children, and they use it as a tool in their play and games. Now, with your blessing, may it become a tool for us to mark the doors of our home with the symbols of your wise servants who, so long ago, came to worship and adore you in your first home.
People in turn mark the doorway with one or more of the symbols:
20 C M B 13 20+C+M+B+13. The year broken up by "Christus Mansionem Benedicat" or "May Christ Bless this house."
L: May we, in this house, and all who come to visit, to work, and to play, remember these things throughout the coming year. May all who come and go here find peace, comfort, joy, hope, love, and salvation, for Christ has come to dwell in this house and in these hearts. All: May we be Christ's light in the world. Amen.

Invitations to Epiphany
"A star to rouse the magi. Angel choirs to summon the shepherds. The prophet Micah to beckon a pompous huddle of Torah experts. Each had a tailor-made invitation to rise and recognize the Christ. John the Baptist perceived Christ in utero. Simeon and Anna recognized Christ in the Temple and, filled with the Spirit, prophesied and worshiped.Whenever I recognize Jesus, that is an epiphany. And I’ve discovered that the path to an epiphany is usually paved with invitations, often uniquely designed for me. From the two men on the road to Emmaeus to a lone Ethiopian eunuch, Jesus seems to love revealing himself in deeply personal ways. The means of invitation are myriad: Scripture, creation, personal experiences, the insights of others in my community, even supernatural interventions. So what seems most essential about actualizing an epiphany is not the lack or luck of an invitation, but the state of my soul."
-Tabitha Peueddemann
7th Annual Tree & Wreath Burning Party in our neighborhood
16th Ave kids
goodbye to the beautiful wreath from BC and Jodi
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