Saturday, September 21, 2013

chariots of fire...

We got to go over to the Whites to watch Chariots of Fire tonight (to get us ready for the Portland Marathon in two weeks) and it took me back to 1981 when I saw it at the Belcourt Theater in Nashville and was so inspired by the story and the music that I practically remember running to the car after the movie. :) cue the music here. :) 

Eric Liddell: I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.

Eric Liddell: You came to see a race today. To see someone win. It happened to be me. But I want you to do more than just watch a race. I want you to take part in it. I want to compare faith to running in a race. It's hard. It requires concentration of will, energy of soul. You experience elation when the winner breaks the tape - especially if you've got a bet on it. But how long does that last? You go home. Maybe you're dinner's burnt. Maybe you haven't got a job. So who am I to say, "Believe, have faith," in the face of life's realities? I would like to give you something more permanent, but I can only point the way. I have no formula for winning the race. Everyone runs in her own way, or his own way. And where does the power come from, to see the race to its end? From within. Jesus said, "Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. If with all your hearts, you truly seek me, you shall ever surely find me." If you commit yourself to the love of Christ, then that is how you run a straight race.

"Run in God's name and let the world stand back in wonder!" 

the Flying Scotsman 

sporting my new Oiselle tshirt - 
the "runbow" shirt- quite appropriate for Dorothy... 
their advertisement: 
"Somewhere over the "Runbow" skies are blue, and those running dreams always come true."  :) 

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