"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
-Leonard Cohen
One year ago today, our moving truck arrived in Seattle with boxes crushed and many pieces of furniture delivered in shambles.
But, grace showed up that day through our neighbors and friends,
and we saw light shining brightly through the cracks.
So, we wanted to honor the folks who showed up and who poured light on us that day and who have continued to bless our family over the last year...
We had a little celebration tonight to remember and give thanks.
Here is our toast to them tonight:

I got these flowers as gifts because when I looked up the symbolism of rudbeckia (black-eyed susans), it was perfect as they are symbols of ENCOURAGEMENT! :)
To Jaime:
for showing up that morning in our empty house and offering to pray with me before the day began.
To Adam:
for his numerous calls to reach out and rally the neighborhood to pitch in when we realized that it was going to be a long day-- we had our first glimpse that he's a mover and a shaker and the best advocate a neighbor could ask for.
For Zack, George, Luke and Dustin-
for being among the first of the burly men to show up and recruit even more muscles to chip in with hauling boxes and furniture-- both in tact and in shambles.
For the guys fresh out of college who came willing to sweat
(and whom we never had met before that Sunday but who showed up regardless...)
for Adam-
for his meticulous videography and documenting of the wreckage-
(even though it netted only $127 from the sketchy moving company after MONTHS of work filing the claims..... which we didn't accept out of principle.)
for Jaime-
for going out to get snacks and drinks for everyone to keep spirits up...
for Jeff and Chris-
for listening to the hunch that we were in need that day and for coming to our door offering a much needed hug and cast-iron bed assembly...
for the Petries-
for an unforgettable steak dinner that night and
for welcoming us to the neighborhood around their table-
what amazing grace indeed!
for the Atkins (who could not be at our toast tonight since their sweet girl turned 10 today!)---
who offered us gracious hospitality from across the globe and let us stay at their house before our stuff arrived when they were overseas.
for Bill-
for coming over the next morning and helping to sort through the rubble to begin to put together all that had been broken.
The words that kept coming up for me as I was thinking about this community that day were the words "SHOWING UP."
John 1:14 says:
"The word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one of a kind glory- like Father, like Son-- GENEROUS INSIDE AND OUT-- true from start to finish...."
I heard a description of someone loving another as being "Jesus with skin on..."
Indeed, these people fit the bill.
That day was a profound reminder that all of those things that we lost are JUST STUFF.
As I told Luke that day, I'd choose the gift of such community ANYDAY over our things...
so thankful that we can continue to invest and dig into this community.
Lord, give us the imagination to dram and catch glimpses of the life you intend us to live. Show us how our individual lives are entwined with those around us, and help us to live so truly together that we embody your good news in this world. Amen. –Shane Claiborne Common Prayer
is no circumstance, no trouble, no testing, that can ever touch me until, first
of all, it has gone past god and past Christ, right through to me. If it has
come that far, it has come with great purpose." -Joni Earekson
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